A tutorial for making a Hair band to match your outfit!

I promised an English translation – and here it is. Feel free to correct my language or ask if things doesn’t make sence. 

From small scraps from the fabric used to make a dress or purse, you can make a matching hair band. These measurements gives a hair band for a child. The elastics will also have something to say about how wide the hair band gets.

Start by cutting a piece of elastics (2,5 cm wide) of 13 cm, a piece of fabric 14x44cm (for the hair band itself) and a piece of 7,5x20cm (for the chasing). Hem the longest sides of the largest piece and make the smallest piece into a long tube by stitching the longest sides right sides toghether.

Turn the tube inside out and thread the elastics by using a safety pin or similar.

Sew a few stitches to secure the elastichs in the ends to make it look like this:

Wrinkle the short ends of the hair band piece to twice the width of the elastic part. Place elastics and hair band right sides together.

Fold over.

Stich with a straight seam using the threads for wrinking as a guideline. Secure the edge with zigzag.

Repeat on the other side, turn right side out and you are finished.

På norsk 

8 thoughts on “A tutorial for making a Hair band to match your outfit!”

  1. It looks great! I think I may try it with some peachskin fabric I have. I think I will make an adult size, after I try the child’s size and get a feel for how much bigger it would need to be.

  2. I tried your pattern and it worked great. I was going to make it for my three year old, but it turned out too big, so I just legthened the elastic to fit me. I have already used it several times. It’s quick and gets my hair out of my face. Thanks!

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  6. great tutorial! I found this after I made my own based on a hairband I had bought. Super easy and quick! Giving it to my mum for mother’s day on Sunday :)

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