What do I need?

I use Google for almost everything. Silja reminded me of the game of «what do you really need?»Â and it is fun like always. I did it once before.

Oddrun needs to know what I was talking about the other day!

Oddrun needs to get out of «the race to 1000» sometimes and smell the roses.

Helene needs to show us frustration

If you are entering 5th grade or UP Helene needs YOU!

Helene needs to train other professors that lack teaching abilities.

Helene needs to be watched closely by everyone in the Canadian Maritimes, Bermuda, and the entire US east coast.

Helene needs to make a more objective comparison.

Helene needs to come to NY more often.

Helene needs to look away from the camera otherwise the flash makes her blink EVERY time.

So now I know!

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